Experience Chemistry

The chemistry curriculum for homeschooling families who want high-quality science education plus an engaging, hands-on experience.

Think you need to be a “science person” to teach your kids science?

Think again.

Maybe you passed high school biology by the skin of your teeth.

Maybe the periodic table makes your head swim. (Coffee anyone?)

Or maybe with 3,482 other things to teach your kids… you just need to leave science to someone else.

Think you need to be a “science person” to teach your kids science?

Think again.

Maybe you passed high school biology by the skin of your teeth.

Maybe the periodic table makes your head swim. (Coffee anyone?)

Or maybe with 3,482 other things to teach your kids… you just need to leave science to someone else.

Here’s the deal…

You started homeschooling not because you “know everything” …but because you wanted to give your kids a great education outside the classroom.

Here’s a little secret for you:

You still can.

See, the most successful science-teaching homeschool parents aren’t the ones who know everything —

They’re the ones who find the best resources, who sometimes roll up their sleeves and learn alongside their kids, and who ultimately teach their kids to teach themselves.


Engaging, hands-on science…that practically teaches itself!

Experience Chemistry in 4 Easy Steps…


Students login to their online classroom each week and watch an engaging video lesson. Students can move through the program at their own pace. 


Students take a weekly comprehension quiz, plus quarterly exams. Don’t worry: it’s all graded for you so you don’t have to do the work.



Each week, students will have a hands-on lab experiment to help bring what they’re learning in class to life and be assigned thought-provoking questions or practice equations to deepen their understanding of complex chemistry concepts.


Students are assigned weekly reading from a recommended textbook. It’s optional, but we highly encourage you to grab the textbook (or an alternative textbook of your choosing).

My son had the choice of taking a co-op class or another JHA class to finish out his senior year, and he said hands down, Experience Chemistry was his first choice!

I have taken many college level science classes that never explained the same material in such a straight forward, easy to understand way. The quality of the instruction is thorough and tackles even the most challenging ideas with wit and humor. It was never work to get my son to listen to your lectures, he enjoyed them so much. When we look back on our last years of homeschooling, your classes will be one of the delightful highlights we’ll remember.

- Wendy

Mom of Experience Chemistry student

Check out Experience Chemistry!

This high school program will give your student enough hours for high school credit! And it’s perfect for students looking for a college prep Chemistry course.

Many parents choose to list this as an honors course on their student’s high school transcript.

Two engaging video lessons for every weekly lesson to help your child understand new and exciting concepts without feeling overwhelmed.

Carefully planned lab work with corresponding lab video lessons throughout the year so your child can experience chemistry — hands on! You can see the lab supply list here

Online, graded quizzes and exams, so you can take a break from correcting your child’s work.

Homework questions & practice equations to help your student apply the rich concepts covered in this course.

NEW! Homework help videos to assist your student when they get stuck! We walk them through the tricky math and chemical equations step-by-step.

Lesson outlines to help your student grasp important concepts, learn new terms, and help with note taking.

Curriculum guide to help you and your student understand how the course works.

Reading assignments that will help your student further their understanding of the course material in a new way.

Certificate of completion for a job well done when the course is completed.

When you enroll in Experience Chemistry, you’re making an investment that’s much more than a textbook—it’s an experience your family will never forget!

I have an engineering degree, but my kids don’t want to hear me drone on about science all day…

Experience Chemistry frees parents up and gives students the confidence to perform labs all by themselves. The labs have an intro video explaining how the lab works before the student has to attempt it on their own. This takes a lot of pressure off the student and parent.

For a long time, I wasn’t a fan of video based curriculum, but I feel this curriculum is definitely worth the money and the video-based learning really helps in upper level classes.

- Patricia

Mom of Experience Chemistry student

I love that I don’t have to remember anything from my high school chemistry class 30 years ago!

My daughters are learning far more than I could have ever taught them if I’d tried to teach it on my own. I was fine for teaching my daughters elementary and middle school science, but I can’t even imagine trying to teach Chemistry on this level.

- Bev

Mom of Experience Chemistry students

Enroll Today!

*Lab & Activity Manual and Student Guidebook are provided as a pdf download with the purchase of the course. Physical copies are available to purchase separately. 

You’ve got questions… we’ve got answers!

What is covered in the course?

Great question! Check out the Experience Chemistry Scope and Sequence here for an overview of the topics we cover in this course.

It’s important to note that Experience Chemistry is a rigorous, math-based chemistry course. Many parents choose to list this as an honors course on their student’s high school transcript. Students who have taken this course in 11th and 12th grade have had the most success.

What is included in my purchase?

You’ll have access to all lesson and lab videos along with PDF downloads of the student guidebook, lab guide, curriculum guide, answer keys, homework help videos, and sample lab reports. 

Should you want a physical copy of the guidebook or lab guide, those are available for purchase in our store. It is highly recommended that you purchase the textbook Modern Chemistry.

You will also be responsible for purchasing lab supplies for any labs you’d like your student to complete. 

When does the course begin?

You’ll have immediate access to the course as soon as you register!

Since this course is self-paced, you, the parent, have control over when your student begins the course. You can start as soon as you register, or wait a few weeks or months. Beginning the course is as easy as pressing a button. Once you begin the course for your student, they will have one year to access the course.

How long will I have access to the course?

You’ll have access to the course for one year from your start date — you choose the start date. There are 35 weekly lessons, so that should provide ample time for your student to complete the course. Once each video is live, your student can watch and rewatch it anytime they would like to throughout the duration of the course.

Are there any math prerequisites for this course?

Your student should have completed Algebra 1 prior to taking this chemistry course. This is a rigorous math-based chemistry course.

Does my child have to view the course videos on specific days?

No, students can watch the lessons any time throughout the week. Once released, each video can be reviewed as many times as the student wants through the end of the course.

When should my student take this course? What grade?

Students in the 11th and 12th grade have had the most success when taking this course.  There is a lot of math and the course moves at a fast pace to cover all of the material. Many parents choose to list this as an honors course on their student’s high school transcript. 

If you are looking for a class for younger students or students you’re not sure would be able to keep up with the pace of this course, we recommend checking out our Astronomy, Biology, or Earth Science courses.

Can we use a different textbook for this course?

We believe parents are best equipped to determine their students’ educational needs. As a homeschool course, you’re welcome to choose whatever textbook you’d prefer for your student to use or omit textbook reading altogether if you’d prefer. For most students, anytime they can use multiple modes of learning it helps them retain information better.

After reviewing many, many textbooks we chose Modern Chemistry because we believe this textbook does an excellent job of reinforcing the concepts students are learning in the lectures. We provide recommended reading for your student from this book. If you choose to use another textbook, you’ll need to be sure to assign students what you’d like them to read each week.

We have also created alternative reading schedules to accompany several other commonly used textbooks by homeschoolers. While we cannot vouch for every detail in these textbooks, the reading lists provided here generally overlap with what is covered in each of the lessons in the course.

In addition to our recommended textbook Modern Chemistry, we currently have a reading list available for the following textbooks:

  • Discovering Design With Chemistry, Berean Builders (1st edition)
  • Exploring Creation With Chemistry, Apologia (3rd edition)
  • Chemistry, BJU Press (5th edition)
  • Chemistry: Precision and Design, Abeka (3rd edition)
  • General Chemistry, Novare (2nd edition)
  • Conceptual Chemistry, Pearson (5th edition)

Can I take this course if I live outside the United States?

Yes. This course is not specific to any particular location.

What additional books and supplies will I need for this course?

Students will need a number of different supplies to complete the labs and activities work. See the complete Experience Chemistry Lab Supply List.

It is highly recommended, though not required, that you purchase the Modern Chemistry textbook. While this is our preferred textbook for the class, we’ve also included reading lists for several other textbooks, or you may omit textbook reading.

A PDF download of the Student Guidebook and Lab Guide are available as part of the course purchase.

How long do students have to complete individual lessons?

We recommend students plan to complete one lesson per week to finish the course at a typical school year. Once your student begins the course they will receive access to the next lesson within 1-2 hours of completing the current lesson. This allows you the flexibility to work ahead if needed to account for vacations or time off while still finishing the course in the typical timeframe.

Students will have a full calendar year to complete the course, so if they fall a week or two behind, they should still have plenty of time to complete the course.

Can I pay for this course with my educational savings account?

We are an approved vendor with several ESAs and are continuing to add to the list all the time! We’re happy to provide you with invoices or other information you need to submit to your ESA. You can see all the ESAs we’re currently approved vendors with and/or submit a request for us to apply to the ESA in your state

What is your refund policy?

We offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less). Simply email us and we’ll give you a full refund.

After completing Experience Biology, I was afraid that Experience Chemistry would be boring and the concepts difficult to understand.

But Experience Chemistry had all the tools I needed to be successful. It has videos that helped me feel connected to the teacher, reading that reinforced what I was learning, and homework questions that challenge me to apply what I’d learned. I also loved how the lessons applied science to real world examples!

- Alina O.

Experience Chemistry student

I see so many people put their kids back in school when they get to high school, because they lack the confidence to teach courses like chemistry…

…thanks to you guys, that is no longer an excuse. The videos in this course are top notch and I like the layout of the workbook with the opportunity it provides to learn notetaking skills. This is a challenging course, designed well, and taught from a biblical worldview. Thank you for working so hard to put these amazing courses together!

- Jennifer G.

Mom of Experience Chemistry student

A few of the things your student will learn…

How an English school teacher changed the study of chemistry as we know it.

What the card game Solitaire has to do with all the elements in the universe.

Why the tire on your car may be the biggest single molecule you’ve ever seen.

How to put out a magnesium fire (Hint: Don’t use water; it will make it worse).

Why ice is one of the secret ingredients to life on earth.

Batteries, computers, jet engines, and hip replacements: these are all due to a strange German goblin discovered over 500 years ago.

and so much more!

We have a Fabulous Fit Promise. We want this course to be a fabulous fit for your family. Based on our parent and student feedback, we think you will be.

However, we offer a 100% money-back, happiness guarantee within 30 days of the course start date OR 6 months from purchase date (whichever is less).

Having kids in high school now, we were looking for a faith-based class that would count for credit with our school district’s homeschool program.

We like the hands-on labs in this program and appreciate the history and Bible references throughout. While Experience Chemistry has been challenging, it’s been a good experience for our family!!

- Beth

mom of Experience Chemistry students

Access Your Lessons on Any Device

Enroll Today!

*Lab & Activity Manual and Student Guidebook are provided as a pdf download with the purchase of the course. Physical copies available to purchase seperately.


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